

Feiyue senior executives attended the SCO Economic and Trade Partnership Week activities


FeiYue Group

    From August 6 to 12, Ruan Yunlan, the leader of Feiyue Group, visited Central Asian countries and Turkey with the entrepreneurial delegation of China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) to participate in the SCO Economic and Trade Cooperation Summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and opened a one-week forum, exchanges, visits, and cooperation negotiation activities.


      During the activity, Feiyue leaders had friendly meetings and extensive exchanges with Sohail Khan, deputy secretary-general of SCO, and economic and trade officials of relevant countries and officials of China's accredited agencies, which fully demonstrated the elegance of Feiyue people and the strong ability of Feiyue's internationalization and development, especially visiting relevant countries with which Feiyue has cooperative relations, which enhanced the friendly relations, consolidated the foundation of cooperation and expanded the space for cooperation. During the visit, we also made full use of the gap.


      During the visit, Feiyue also made full use of the gap to go to the market, visit customers, talk about cooperation and increase friendship, widely publicized Feiyue's concept of win-win cooperation and development, showed Feiyue's broad-mindedness of embracing the world and looking to the future, and greatly enhanced and expanded economic and trade relations and traditional friendship between Feiyue and the SCO countries.


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